We are worshiping together in the Church Building every Sunday morning (downstairs in the summer), but also offering virtual services. View services here.
This Sunday, January 26th is our monthly collection of food for the Templeton Food Pantry. Please remember those less fortunate.
A luncheon of sandwiches, soup, and dessert will be served following the Annual Meeting this Sunday, Jan. 26th. Lei and Carol are hosting.
Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26th following morning worship. Please plan to attend. We need at least 15 people there to vote on the budget, etc.
We have some openings we need to fill. Please think about filling one of these positions: Trustees & Deacons.
Offering envelopes for your 2025 pledge are at the back of the sanctuary.
t’s not too late to turn in your pledge card for 2025. If you don’t have one there are some at the back of the sanctuary with privacy envelopes. If you’re to going to be in church & don’t have a form, just write a note with the amount and mail it to Memorial Congregational church, P.O. Box 100, Baldwinville, MA.01436.
If you know of anyone in the hospital, homebound, or in need of a visit, please contact Chairperson of the Deacons, Joanne. We need everyone’s help keeping in touch with our church family.
Our organist, Michelle, is looking for magazines to use in her classes at Monty Tech. If you have some you are getting rid of, please let Barbara know so arrangements can be made to pick them up.
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